Friday, 12 October 2007

and who knew?…. ~> they did!

Captain’s log 1210

The final frontier has been breached and there is nothing anyone can do… Scotty can be heard shouting from the engine room, ‘you cannae push her any faster’… but did they listen?
The sweet tones of Uhura points out the obvious, ‘negative cap’in!’

This morning I will mostly be having a sore throat… … bugs n beasties are never far away when you have children I guess, but the injustice of them rearing their ugly head when it’s so close to the holidays is too much to bear!

So to keep in step with my bout of illness, I’m going to be mostly grumpy (in equal measures to ill)…. intolerance isn’t something I’m too familiar with but when I reach work I’m going to set my laser printer to stun….