Sunday, 30 December 2007

New Year - Good Times?

“….As market days are wearing late,
And folk begin to tak the gate,
While we sit bousing at the nappy,
An’ getting fou and unco happy,
We think na on the lang Scots miles…”

Following the Christmas celebrations, I was thinking about the run up to new year and the traditional Scottish link between Hogmanay and booze and it got me wondering how many folks indulge in a wee spot o’ mind altering substances (not just at this time of year but throughout the year). I thought about the different people using different methods - food, sport, booze, drugs, meditating, bodybuilding, sex, running and any other mood altering activity. If so many people are using one or other of these methods to get away or opt out of their normal hum drum life… is anybody actually having the great life we’re all not living?

Perhaps a ‘good life’ is nothing more than a big fat lie, like Santa. Each of us helping to build a delusion that a good life is possible… and each of us buy into it out of desperation that better times are just around the corner. What if this illusion of more, is as good as it gets? To admit that there is nothing really that great about life after all would be so depressing that we’d might be left with the conclusion that reading any meaning and purpose into human life is absurd, and who would want to raise a glass to that?

Happy New Year Readers
Good Luck with your Adventures in 2008!

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Fire Down Below

Not my usual topic for blogging but its fair to say I’ve had something on my mind this past week. It would seem that for the first time ever it has affected my ability to think with clarity and do my job. I’m ashamed to say that in the embarrassing stakes it outranks the ‘inside-out top’ scenario by a long way. It happened like this…

I was beavering away trying to get my desk cleared as quickly as possible, the sooner the better as I’d be on holiday the moment I could see the wood under the paper mountain. Phone rings…. ‘hello’… ‘oh, hello, I’ve been trying to contact you. You don’t know me by we know a mutual acquaintance. Sandy’ ‘ah, yes. I know Sandy. How is he?’… blah blah blah - pleasantries pleasantries pleasantries…. ‘So, anyway. I was rather hoping to meet with you to discuss a joint project’… ‘Oh, I’m so sorry I don’t have a free minute before the end of the year’ … silence…. ‘What about on my way home today?’…

I caved….

Resigned but determined to keeping it short and to the point I did some homework before he arrived. Prepared with my ‘wish’ list ready to negotiate I welcomed him into the office. That’s when it happened. I found my thoughts wandering…. oh so wandering. He wasn’t particularly handsome but with every uttered word I was finding him more and more appealing… EEK… here I was trying to sound intelligent, erudite and lucid but failing miserably to keep my guttural thoughts checked!!

He asked if I was okay… I muttered something about trying to remember the ingredient that one of my boys needed for home economics the next day. Not sure he believed me.. truth be told he’d have to have been blind and deaf to not realise why I was unsettled… oh the shame - the shame of it all!!!

Needless to say I stuttered like a buffoon, simpered like an overzealous Labrador and agreed to FAR more than I would have ordinarily done. All because i couldn’t rise about my hormones. Now I face the task of extracting myself and my project from the terms I’ve signed up to… Any good lawyers out there? Preferably, unattached, fiscally sound and willing to embrace primal urges as they happen…

Monday, 3 December 2007

Who Stole Christmas Cheer?

Got my first Christmas card this weekend and it spun me into a tizzy… I’m not organised at all. So I trotted off to face the big bright lights of the city and after two hours of soul destroying indecency I returned home empty handed. Where did all the Christmas spirit go?

After enduring ignorant people stepping in front of me, people causing mayhem in an attempt to secure the last car park space and much ‘tutting’ at the sales assistant, the final straw came when I overheard a young lady talking to her friend saying ‘that’ll do for so-in-so’… as she picked up items from the stores gift selection. It made me think of how many presents will be opened on Christmas morning to bring disappointment or at best disinterest, simply because they were bought for the sake of giving rather than with the receiver in mind… I felt so sad. I always thought that the joy of Christmas was in the giving of gifts, but it would seem ‘not today’.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not really religious but I do try to keep the real sentiment of Christmas in mind… I mean I know that the X in Xmas comes from the Greek word ‘Chi’ which means Christ, so technically its okay to shorten ‘Christmas’ to ‘Xmas’… but I feel I’m not Greek so I should stick to keeping the Christ in Christmas, even if this means my hand gets cramp writing it into so many cards. I think it’s important.

I mean, if the magic of Christmas was to be swallowed up by mean-spirited shallowness it’s hard to imagine anything else keeping acts of kindness and human decency alive. Its only having lived thro’ eleven and a half months of disrespect, road enraged selfishness that you realise every one of us ‘needs’ Christmas to keep up the delusion that our lives are actually beautiful. Mebbe it’s not the parcels around the tree that is the real gift at Christmas, but perhaps it’s this realisation that humans can sometimes be selfless that is precious.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Worst kind of Masquerade

Nothing can stay the same
Change shall always come
To sweep away the old ways
So the new may be begun

Wind of subtle time’s breath
Born on tides do move
What once was monumental
Down unto a hollowed groove

I look to where your hand
Has made my own feel worn
To see tissue paper thoughts
Squeezed until confetti torn

Dreams of pea green boats
Will remain locked in my head
A secret world of harmony
A companion in your stead

In hurt I cannot wish you ill
This day was bound to come
Dismiss regrets for snapshots
Let my reasons seek the sun

I will not deny a hankering
For more memories to share
But I realise time has caught us
And I must accept to leave it there…..

Saturday, 17 November 2007

The Week that Was

It has been funny over this last week…

I had an important meeting with some councillors and prior to me leaving the house I’d been decorating, so I thought I’d spruce myself up and jumped into the shower… all well and good right up till half way into Aberdeen city I noticed I’d put my top on inside out!! Eek!!… Shock — embarrassment (yes I noticed my error whilst chattering on the phone to a friend, why are we never completely alone when these things happen?) — Panic (amidst the chuckling).. Where could I change? Did I have time to stop and change? How would I persuade council members to favour my project and trust me with large sums of money when I couldn’t even dress myself properly!

I was almost at the council chambers when I noticed a club house that sits in the middle of a town park… so swinging the car into its car park… I legged it to the main entrance…now it gets weird.. okay mebbe weirder!..

The front doors were locked; I could see the mortise - but….. it was locked with the doors still open!… So I snuck inside… the place was in darkness, the alarms were going off…. and I couldn’t see a soul… I danced briefly around the reception area waiting for someone to pounce out at me and demand to know why I was there…my consciousness of lack of time swelled my panic so I deciding not to hang around but to dive into the ladies toilets and sort my top… which I did…

I left the building in the same state I found it and jumped back into my car… with only five minutes spare. It wasn’t until I was back driving that I thought ‘did I set off the alarms’?… ‘mebbe the door was supposed to be locked after all’… eek…. I might’ve entered a building without permission!! Perhaps as I type I’m really a stowaway ignorant criminal……

Now…. whilst this is a tale amongst many in the narrative that is my life, what is the point in these happening if you have no one to share them with… Everyone I’ve ever encountered has been judged by me as either a ‘drain’ or a ‘radiator’…. This week I have to get used to missing the warmth of a particular radiator… it switched off without warning but the trouble with human radiators is that there isn’t a workman I can call to reinstate the heat…

The only comfort I’m left with is my belief that each of us are not an identity that exists independently… even if it appears like that. That indeed we are simply the basis of our imputation, without that concept we are dependent upon that imputation and the naming and labelling of it… so I see the radiator and I as being interdependent…. and that brings its own heat and love.

Friday, 16 November 2007

Aversion Therapy

‘fun’ is just a matter of perspective ….. ….

Calum!!! says: Hi

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: Hi… now you say something….

Calum!!! says: Wanna chat hon?

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: I’d love to but… My crayons all melted together.

Calum!!! says: what the hell

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: I’d love to but… I’m sandblasting my oven

Calum!!! says: ur crazy

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: That’s what they tell me

Calum!!! says: yea well its true

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: I prefer to say i have a tendency for irrational outbursts

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: want to spend more time in my blender?

Calum!!! says: ok…what do you do with that then

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says I’m building a pig from a kit.

Calum!!! says: cool!

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: but its hard cause I’m going through cherry cheesecake withdrawal.

Calum!!! says: ? ?

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: AND… I have to eat more dots jst to get thro’ the day

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: even though My subconscious says no.

Calum!!! says: ok

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: Do you ever feel that you’ve left your body in your other clothes?

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: you know… like none of your socks match.. are we having ‘fun’ yet?

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: Oh no You’ve gone very quiet… dont tell me your yucca plant is feeling yucky

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: Damn Look at the time!!!… i have to go rotate my crops again because my uncle ran away with the pringle tree

Calum!!! says: ok calm down

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: I’m sorry about that I was temporarily insane.

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: Like the time i died then got better again

Calum!!! says: ….ok im goin t block you shortly

I’m going crazy. Wanna come along? says: Oh yeah? and blame it on the cheese Roll?

Calum!!! says: …..

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Super, Smashing, Lovely

If love is natural…. how come it’s in such short supply?

I am daughter, sister, mother, friend and me… readers of my blog will know I’ve spoken before about the me-ness that makes me who I am… but it seems that in my relationships with others that quality can get fudged or even forgot by the one person I should be able to rely upon championing it - ME! So urgent is my desire to be loved, appreciated and accepted that I am all too willing to set aside my own boundaries and sense of self… and increasingly it feels like I’m lying. But I don’t feel alone…. this elevator to hell is sure getting crowded…

The way I see it, we’re living in Shakespeare’s tangled web… a sinister fairytale, where each person projects appealing images of what we’d like to be like rather than what we are indeed like… lies are sprinkled as easily as icing sugar…. guilt transient and easily squashed by our vain brains… cause and effect of lying results in an increased ripple of insecurity.. which creates a second layer of projection… layer upon sickly layer of sweet personalities until it feels like I’m wading through treacle!… so depressing is this idea that I’ve even been trying to convince myself that its a figment of my imagination and not window dressing to mask the realities of honour and integrity. I’m beginning to feel conned and VERY unimpressed….

The more I ponder this the more I notice that life seems to be filled with a steady stream of lonely souls searching…some of them are clear in what they seek and others are blind but search all the same. Misconnected.. Misdirected… Misguided and often Mistaken… but it all adds up to the same thing… lovelessness… Ghandi once said ‘be the changes you want to see in the world’…. now I believe if people took that adage on board and lived their lives focussing on how they treat other people rather than how they want treated, then the world would not only be a more contented place but it would feel less lonely and loveless…. so my message to you all is this…..

“I really do think you’re great and I don’t wish to be rude, but I really do think you are vain of your good looks, elegant accomplishments, and the impression you make wherever you go. Whilst I might admire that you exert yourself, and think you are altogether fascinating, the ‘I come.. see.. and.. conquer - now love me you bitch’ air you put on, spoils it all for sensible people.” Now will you kindly STOP!

Monday, 5 November 2007


In casual conversation your voice utters my name
It sets a warmth to glow brightly with anticipation
Absurdity beseeches and calls out to steady me
But my heart will not listen to its declaration

This warmth spreads into and onto my notice
And so too does that notice quiver within me
Acknowledgement and realisation shadow
Nothing of what is consciously accepted today

Life and purpose itself springs forth into existence
Set to grow as stout as any season’s fruit
Tender and sweet in its infancy and goodness
Precariously balanced between your world and mine

Friday, 12 October 2007

and who knew?…. ~> they did!

Captain’s log 1210

The final frontier has been breached and there is nothing anyone can do… Scotty can be heard shouting from the engine room, ‘you cannae push her any faster’… but did they listen?
The sweet tones of Uhura points out the obvious, ‘negative cap’in!’

This morning I will mostly be having a sore throat… … bugs n beasties are never far away when you have children I guess, but the injustice of them rearing their ugly head when it’s so close to the holidays is too much to bear!

So to keep in step with my bout of illness, I’m going to be mostly grumpy (in equal measures to ill)…. intolerance isn’t something I’m too familiar with but when I reach work I’m going to set my laser printer to stun….

Monday, 17 September 2007


One winter a cuckoo with nothing much to do sat on a branch watching the world go by. He watches as many brightly feathered birds fluttered past, and there amongst the early morning throng a plain blackbird rooted quietly around on the surface of the frozen ground.

The cuckoo watched with increasing curiosity at the persistence of the blackbirds hunt. He watched and watched, until he was unable to stem his questions any longer, he called out ”What are you doing down there on the frozen ground?” The blackbird stopped and looked up, ”I’m looking for signs of new life”, replied the blackbird with a puzzled look on its face, as if the cuckoo had asked a very silly question.

“Why do you waste your time down there, when all the other birds are making ready to create new life for themselves?….. Do you not wish to join the rest of our kind in building and creating for ourselves? Instead of waiting for mother nature to give you to what it can and wants?” the cuckoo continued.

The blackbird stopped and hopped up to where the cuckoo was sitting and looked even more puzzled. “What is this idea that you are talking about?” “Will you show me?”

The cuckoo saw a twinkle of something in the eyes of the blackbird he’d never seen before and he felt his heart flutter like the wings of the passing birds. “Not only shall I show you, little one, but i shall build with you”.

All through the rest of the winter and the spring the odd pair worked and chatted. Together they collected straw and twigs… enough to create a nest of safety. Sometimes the wind would blow hard and rock the branches upon which their nest perched. Sometimes the wind would blow so hard that the nest would all but be reduced to its bare foundations… but the two would grow more and more industrious, until they had restored their creation to its former glory. As they worked together each began to appreciate the qualities that they brought to the partnership. The cuckoo smiled with affection at the effort, persistence and diligence with which the little blackbird carried out whatever task the cuckoo and she had discussed. The blackbird grew to admire the vision, creativity and depth with which the cuckoo communicated the designs in his head.

As the spring months continued to warm the two birds continued to bask in the delight of the others company and missed each other when they were apart. And so as more days passed the two became inseparable. Then without warning the cuckoo announced, “We are done!” The blackbird looked at the fruits of there joint labour and asked “What is this that we have forged between us?” The cuckoo drew close to the blackbird and smiled down at her. “This is trust and with this trust we shall always feel safe together”, he explained. Looking overwhelmed the blackbird whispered almost to herself “I feel proud to have built this with you. Thank you for showing me how”.

The very next day the blackbird awoke to find cuckoo looking into their nest. Hopping a little closer, she spied a very odd shaped object deep inside the nest and was very surprised to find it there. “What is this, which lies so perfectly in the midst of our trust?” she asked the cuckoo without taking her eyes off the object. “Ah, my friend, this is very special”. The cuckoo began slowly to explain. “See how it fits our trust? See how our trust supports it?” “Yes, yes, i see this cuckoo, but what does it mean?” asked the blackbird excitedly. The cuckoo raised himself up and puffed out the feathers on his breast with pride and said “This? This is a future!” “And it has come to grown deep from within our trust… it is the fruit of our union” He continued. “and one day we will get to know what treasures are inside”.

The little blackbird hopped around the edges of the nest looking at the future from many different angles, until she finally declared “I like that it has come”. They snuggled up against each other and gazed at their future and felt very happy. As the sun began to get heavy in the sky, the blackbird yawned and leaning against the side of their nest she fell into a contented sleep.

Once alone, the cuckoo’s happiness was crowded by plumes of dark thoughts, he gazed at the future as the sun lit it from the side… from this angle he could see the surface of the future was not smooth, but pitted with imperfections, and a dark hairline crack snaked its way down one edge. The more he looked the more he realised this future may fit their trust perfectly but it was far from perfect! The cuckoo began to worry that the treasures inside that were yet to be seen would be as flawed as the outside. He wrestled and worried and worried and wrestled.

The cuckoo jostled the nest so much that the eventually he woke the blackbird. “What is the matter cuckoo?” asked a sleepy voice. But the cuckoo could not take his eyes off the future and did not answer. “Cuckoo?” said the same voice. “I’m sorry to wake you my friend, I did not mean to hurt you, but the more I think about it, the more I realise I do not want this future”.

The blackbird sat up. “But did you not say this was our future, and that one day we would know what was hidden inside and until that day our trust would keep it safe?” But before the blackbird was finished and without another word, the cuckoo spread his wings and flew off into the night sky. As she watched the blackness close behind the cuckoo, the little blackbird felt something below her crack but did not dare look down.

Friday, 31 August 2007

Keep Britain Tidy!

Bobby was a beautiful brown teddy bear… with big brown eyes that glistened like thick dark molasses. A neat little nose that peeked from beneath the fluffy face fur that partially covered it, simply begged for kind fingers to spread the fur back to smooth over his treacle coloured nose until it shone as bright and happy as his eyes.

The hardness of his button nose contrasted with his squishy soft body, two shades of brown sewn together in perfect harmony. The rich dark shade of his back and limbs only served to bring attention to his toffee rounded tummy, which stood proud and appealing to the touch of a loving caress. The tactile appeal of his paunch belly was only surpassed by the temptation offered by his perfectly formed and folded ears, which curled into a shallow hollow… finger sized, just right for nestling.

The whole bear smiled with a warmth and fondness which rendered his up turned woollen mouth unnecessary. The expression on his friendly face was one of serenity that brought joy and calm to those who dared steal a hug. This was Bobby’s role in life, his single purpose - joy giver.

But everyone knows that all teddy bears must go down to the woods for the teddy bears picnic. So Bobby waited until the house where he lived had gone quiet and everyone who loved him had fallen into a peaceful slumber before making his way carefully down to the kitchen. And with a wink to basil the dog, Bobby slipped out through the cat flap and into the cool morning air.

Walking through the dew as the sun began to kiss the remains of the night time sky made Bobby feel like the happiest bear in the world. The chilly night air gave way and allowed the heat of the growing light to envelope Bobby as he continued on his big adventure.

The lightness of the day and the increasing sunshine lifted Bobby’s spirits making his little bear heart feel like it was going to burst in his chest. Full of delight and excitement at having reached the field which bordered the wood, Bobby started to skip… and unable to contain his joy Bobby broke out into a bounding sprint. Leaping high, high, high up into the air above the swaying grass seeds. He was so close now that Bobby could hear the merrymaking of his friends and as his kindly little eyes darted to somewhere beyond the trees and nodding bluebells in hope of catching a first glimpse of his friends, Bobby felt his legs give up the furious race to keep pace with his enthusiasm and he tumbled… His tiny soft body slipped down into the long lush summer grass, and landed on a broken bottle which cut his head clean off. Poor Bobby.

Friday, 3 August 2007

Stupid Brain

I’ve recently found myself increasingly in the company of a long term friend who’s been single now for about 18 months… I’ve been studying her with interest, like a macabre fascination as to the behaviour of ‘single girls’ as seen by others.

You see I’m aware that humans rationalise out their actions as reasonable by doing some mental gymnastics… I guess I worry that I do it so effortlessly that I don’t even realise it! Thus my study of my unsuspecting friend.

She seems wonderfully confident to those who don’t know her…. indeed so much so that even I feel fooled sometimes… but I gently remind myself to our conversations and emails…
I get a panic call early one morning….She met this guy….. Saw him for the first time. She complains to me that he’s a bit older. But he mentioned sending something she might be interested in seeing… so at the end of the night, he gives her his card. (No major catastrophes, right?)…..Wrong!!
‘I sent him an email at 1am in the morning. I know, I broke some mortal sin doing it so soon’ she whinges…. and then qualifies ’but it was a fairly nonchalant email, an attempt or two at humour, and I threw in my number at the end. Very casual. No pressure. (I stop listening for a moment - there’s a rule about replying and emailing timescales??? I feel suddenly under pressure!!!)
Her distressed voice brings me to attention again, ‘why hasn’t he written back?’…. naturally there are loads of very rational reasons why not, and I offer a dozen perfectly good reasons… she ignores them all, and can’t seem to help obsessing about ridiculous ones.
I hang up exasperated…. and the support line goes silent for a few days….

She went out with him twice. And from her glowing reports it went well. So much so that she’s now totally hooked on waiting for him to reply… and then getting disappointed that the emails/ texts she receives weren’t worth waiting for. I listen sympathetically as she tortures herself, ‘he’s dated extremely beautiful women. I doubt I’ll ever sleep with him’… (As I said, she’s massively insecure). She continues ‘I sort of wish he would just lose interest and leave me alone.’ (Yes even when it’s all going great she’s into crazy talk!!)… ‘It kills me that somewhere in his head he thinks his old girlfriends are prettier than me. I can’t stand it. (I share her sentiment that I wish he’d leave her alone and then feel a rubbish friend)….

The whole concept that is swimming around her troubled head is illogical … can she really be serious when she says she’s over the moon when guys she’s dating tell her she’s the prettiest girl they’ve ever been with??… How can she swallow such a big fat lie.. especially when she’s the person making it up!?!! (I get confused trying to follow her lead thro’ the illogical logic labyrinth… so I smile encouragingly)

She continues and it doesn’t sound good to me… but I listen. ‘This guy is nice enough and attractive and bright…but there were no sparks when we met.’ On either side?? (my question doesn’t compute)… she railroads on… ‘I only like relationships for the attention and the ego boost. I’m getting neither. (my mind wanders…. is there room for two super sized egos in any one relationship?…. I recapture my runaway thoughts).

With conviction, she informs me of her master plan…. ‘I’ve decided though, I’m going to use Valentines as a bit of a barometer. I’m not going to mention it to him obviously, (obviously?) and I’m really not sure if he’d specifically ask me out for the night (isn’t this a fundamental flaw?)… and I wont go if he asks me as I’ve got solid plans with some friends anyway (am I missing a dating gene cos this isn’t making sense to me at all)… Conclusion = ‘if he figures out a way to send me flowers..then we’re cool. and I’ll see where the relationship goes.’ (didn’t she just say there was no sparks??)….. ‘if he doesn’t… I’m going to take it as a sign (more of a sign than the non-spark, lack of attention, omission of ego boasts?)… that none of this is really worth it and I’m going to taper off my contact with him. Whatever, no loss to either of us really. I’ll just say I’ve gotten really busy.’ This is a plan????? all from the lady who says she’s obsessively waiting and looking for replies???? (my mind wanders again…. to a scene from Gladiators where they’re jostling with oversized cottonbuds… ‘games on’ the commentator announces ‘apathy v. obsession’ - the crowd erupt into chanting…

….. ‘Sorry, I was jst thinking about what you’d said’ (I lie unconvincingly but she doesn’t notice)… the chanting in my head changes into ‘Stupid Brain. Stupid Brain’ and I have to agree… then she says she has to go…. cos he usually emails around this time…

Days pass and I hear nothing….. I tell myself this is good… but this is not good….
I get an update: no flowers on Valentine’s Day!! (The end?…. Nah)… she fills me in with the details, ‘There was no way I was going to text him or anything… and I hadn’t, but he sent me a message asking how I was. (Isn’t that nice? I ask)….’no’ she exclaims with a shocked look on her face… anyway, she continues, dismissing my obviously stupid brain remark….. ‘I replied with something innocuous and added happy Valentines Day at the end.’ To which he replied, “you too, any secret admirers” and I thought, “no, you misleading asshole.” I was livid (How come? I thought whilst sporting a blonde head tilt)… ‘I mean, he’s got a really good job and could easily afford flowers, but to not even be acknowledged on Valentines Day… he’s a bit of a no brainer. Right?’…. umm… ‘right’ I echo, whilst trying to recall if they were on date two or twenty two…

I thought that this heinous would’ve decided whether or not she’d see him again… but obsession had taken root…

‘He continued to text me a bit over the following few days and asked when I would be around. I played it really cool, and was like ‘oh, sometime after Wednesday.’ (I wondered why she did that cos I know that her schedule is about a busy as a geriatric patient’s) … apparently, he didn’t need to know that. (For undisclosed reasons… even to me!!)

I got a call at lunchtime Thursday.. ‘We got together last night. I told him I had to leave a bit early to go to a friend’s birthday. (which friends and why was I not invited??)… I told him I wasn’t really up for it and decided I’d stay with him….. We walked around a bookstore for a while…got some coffee. and then decided to head to part of town where I live and got a few drinks.’

(I felt myself smiling)… ‘I was fine until somehow his past of dating models and dancers and actresses came up magically, and you can guarantee I was not the one to bring it up. I was a bit merry by this point, and obsessed about it for a while until he finally got a cab to go home.’ (I felt myself nodding …. I was obsessing about this too…. where are all these models, dancers and actresses in Aberdeen?????)

‘You know what’s funny?’….. ‘what?’… What’s funny, is that I had considered sleeping with him last night……(to try to generate sparks no doubt)… ’At first I thought I was never going to, because of his apparently gorgeous ex-girlfriends, but I was finally starting to get over it. But up comes his ex’s and there goes my confidence… do you think he does it on purpose??’… (blank look) ‘I hate men who play games!’ (other than the part they ought to play in your own games? I thought cynically and then felt bad)…

‘I wound up telling him in my slight drunkenness that I would probably never be able to sleep with him a) cos we’re not in a relationship and b) insecurity and then I made up some other reasons in a vaguely coherent argument. I came home feeling seriously down. I think he felt awful.’ (How awful!)

…’Don’t look at me like that, whatever, it worked!!!! (he ended it???)… cos when I got home. I fell straight asleep, but I heard him text and then ring me an hour later. I didn’t get it. I text him this morning, saying I fell asleep but got home ok. Then he asked me if I wanted to go to a museum this weekend. I told him I had some work to do. (what work?)…He called. I ignored it. Then he text and said, ok well just come out for a few hours. I very nicely and jokingly said I should really get started on this work. He said ok.’ Cool huh?’…. (yeah real slick)…

I get a call Friday lunchtime…..
‘It’s over!!…(It’s over?)…. ‘I would have been more than happy to keep seeing him. But I woke up this morning… and thought about it for a while. This guy isn’t some 20 year old student. He’s a 36 or 37 year old very comfortable professional, and we are (or were) more or less dating. Him calling me, him inviting me out, but I kept remembering the times we went out together.(all those thousands of times?)… The first night he took me a really nice upscale bar. We got champagne, it was lovely, something I’d like to get used to…..We also went out to dinner once at some restaurant. I had a nice time then too. But I was jst thinking, other than that our “dates” have included coffee, drinking beers at normal bars, and walking around book stores.’ (I think, what’s wrong with that? …. I love doing things like that but keep quiet and listen). she continues… ’i mean, lets be honest, the effort to impress really isn’t there. I don’t mind being a cheap date, (oh my god - i’m a cheap date!)but when he tells me he was once dating a girl and flew back and forth from another city just to see her for one day at the weekend, I’m started to get offended that I’m an easy date, as in “ah we’ll just walk around she wont mind.” And what am i getting in return?’ (i pray that this is a rhetorical question)..

…’Whether intentionally or not, he makes me feel very bad about myself, and it’s not like he wants to be my boyfriend or anything. What’s the point. I have other things I need to be concentrating on. So that’s that. I’m just not going to see him again. I simply refuse to keep bother my friends with my obsessive nonsense for such a loser!’……
….Ummm, thanks!


Don’t get me wrong… altho’ i don’t understand half of her thought processes and many of her actions are a complete mystery to me… i am in awe of her ability to not care what others think of her… I really wish I can do that (Stop caring what other people think of me not the mental gymnastics as shown above!!), …… but I really don’t want to be a target in a modern-day witch hunt. Most people are still sheep and follow the loudest leaders. Meaning the least-liked individual will always be vulnerable like a fox who gets “ripped apart” for turning up at the wrong party!. Stupid fox thinks it can get away with mingling with human beings!!…. Like my friend…. I want to learn to let go of past events… to rewrite and remember only a sugar-coated history in which its all about me! But there is only one problem…. Stupid Brain!!!!

Friday, 6 July 2007

Gossip’s Gossip while the rest of Mankind Breathe

Redemption arrives to me from cautious contemplation
Perception on the iniquity dreamt by you into formation
Defamation set to trickle from pernicious poisoned tongue
Besmirch borne breath to persuade, innocence to be undone
But lo our saviour ‘contempt’, lightens the tone to comedy
And derision declares this juncture, a mock tragic travesty

Virtue would impudently behest. Denying chance, forecast!
Impeachment and untamed idiocy will always cease to last
Weathering wild claims so riotous to every sense and reason
Obscurely peddled amity, an unconventional name for treason?
Even civic vision of respectability would beg that it be asked
That ferocity and viciousness might be more credibly masked!

Absconding the shores of actuality with all who care to claver
Your character is saturated with your unsavoury spiteful slaver
Banishing idle wickedness, your avarice and bile-ridden greed
Petty inconsequential few, all former regard I hereby concede
As you graze upon distorted lies and imagined insults never said
Adieu to you, most perfect bedfellows – an ass and horses head!