Sunday, 18 April 2010

A Particular Set of Skills

Watched the movie 'Taken' starring Liam Neeson last night. It was the second time I've seen the film and watching it again brought to mind how gripped my brother and I were seeing it for the first time together.

Tension, drama, suspense and anticipation - the film had it all. Silence held us right to the very end. As the credits rolled my brothers announced - "If that happens to James, he's fu*ked, cos I can't do any of that"... we laughed and the residual tension the film had created, melted.

Remembering my brother's one liner made me laugh out loud even tho' I was on my own. It occurs to me that 'Laughter' really is THE most powerful way of dealing with the absurdities that life presents us.

Neeson may have a particular set of skills, but I doubt they would help him cope better with crazy revelations? Take work as an example... there was the time when Moomin Mama (the boss) employed a new member of staff on the basis that she had a designer handbag with her at the interview. I try to imagine Neeson's reaction, serious, broody and vengeful and it occurs to me that laughter is the one survival tool that Neeson didn't have... but I sure do!


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