Sunday, 16 January 2011

Bodily dysfunctions

This year I'll be 41 and while I feel ok physically, I'm starting to see my mental capacity starting to decline (those of you who know me will find it hard to believe that's possible!). Worst part is that my brain is having a hard time accepting my lack of ability to multitask like I use to. Three things going on at once is now my limit (actually that's my brain talking it's more like two). I'm so use to being able to do so much that now to have a limit is really difficult for me.

Yesterday was the perfect example. It was a beautiful bright day so i decided to strip all the beds. Then I started filling cracks with decorator filler when the phone rang. I popped downstairs to chat and by the time i was hanging up the phone I'd completely forgotten that I was busy before the conversation. And because both tasks were upstairs I didn't discover both half done jobs until I went to bed late at night. Meanwhile, decided to de-stuff the filing cabinets in my office because my wheelie bins are due to get emptied tomorrow, having forgotten that I'd invited someone over for a cup o' tea. I never remember to lock my doors so they duly arrived to find me slumped over a mount of back paperwork stuffing black bags beyond their capacity. It's a sorta weird risk taking I do, i know there is too much in the black bags but I still think i can get away with it (I NEVER do)... I was so pre-occupied with self imposed deadlines I was having a hard time finishing thoughts and sentences. It was embarrassing.

The highlight (or low light) of the day was when I went to the local supermarket. I was chatting away to a very old acquaintance and both my arms were in use grappling fruitlessly with a plastic bag for my ginger, when I felt something in my nose. I could feel it was one of those dry flakes hanging in there. So my plan was to just wipe my nose as soon as I had use of my hands. Well it had another plan. It just dropped right out. I don't think they noticed, but I was mortified to say the least. At least it wasn't as bad as the doctor drooling on Larry David in Curb your Enthusiasm. This wasn't intentional and didn't touch anyone!

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