Thursday, 6 January 2011

Illuminating dark

Just back from a wandering in the nearest village. I think red was the last colour to go, after dark I mean. I don't know if it was the hue from the orange street lights or the red sky at night or even the colour of the cars passing me by, but it looked like one particularly vibrant shade of red (ultra-red) was definitely the last to go.

But no, I think red is the last colour to go, there. I can't remember noticing this before, so I think it's only there. Or mebbe it's not only there, but here it's noticeable, unlike say green or blue. Noticing nightfall reminded me of dusk in Sri Lanka. Less of a dusk and more of a curtain fall. I'd pop back into the hotel room for a bottle of water and walk immediately back outside to find it pitch black. Definitely no last colours there, just dark.

Actually now I think it about it more, when I refer to 'after dark', it wasn't dark. There were streetlights blinking at me, slithers of energy-efficient window lights struggle to shine further than the room in which they hung. There were car headlights, tail lights, star lights and moon light. After dark is turning out to be a bit of an illusion. It's been snowy and pavements were filled with inky puddles and mysterious dark objects and shapes. Pavement reflections worry me because I can't see what I'm stepping in.

Then I drive home and on the farm is it unquestionably after dark. Night time here makes it easier for me to look up, which is really only half a head bob from forgetting to look down. It's so dark here that there's a feeling of surrender given to the black. With nothing but a smattering of starlight and a small slice of moonlight it's easy to see the light. I think this is what is meant by 'illumination'.

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